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Tough isn’t about holding it together, holding back the tears or holding onto the past.

It isn’t keeping your feelings to yourself and pretending to be fine when you’re not.

Tough is looking your BAD days and NEGATIVE experiences right in the eye and not letting them define you.

It’s doing the things you never thought you were capable of.


tough chick stories

Each of us have had a moment in our lives where we have found a strength within us that we didn’t know existed. We plan to tell your stories and reinforce that being ‘tough’ can mean different things on different days. Tough is giving yourself the permission to cry your eyes out on one day but push through fear and get your pap smear done the next.



Sometimes we need reminding that our tears do not define our strength. Our products are designed to empower women. Slipping on the right t-shirt has the power to change a mindset and remind the woman wearing it that ‘tough’ does not mean perfection.


our mission

To Help women realise that they are capable of so much more than they ever realised.